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مواعيد العمل جميع أيام الأسبوع ماعداه الجمعة من الساعة 11 صباحا حتي الساعة 10 مساء

الأسكندرية جناكليس- شارع مرتضى متفرع من شارع ابوقير ابراج الزراعيين – برج 1 الدور الاول

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4 Foods You Had No Idea Are Good for Your Teeth

Milk  is loaded with calcium, which can help build strong teeth and help improve oral care, a 2006 study proved.

Yogurt While you’ll find calcium in yogurt, if you eat the popular breakfast food, it could also be good for your gastrointestinal tract due to the probiotics found in it. A

Cheese is one of the best foods you can eat for strong dental health. The calcium and protein-rich dairy product is a perfect snack

Water  It’s probably no surprise that water is ideal for any type of diet. “One of the best things you can do for your teeth is drink water

What’s the Best Way to Floss Your Teeth?

For healthy teeth and gums, it’s important to floss your teeth regularly. But how do you floss properly and what’s the best way to floss with braces…

What to Know Before You Get a Retainer

Retainers are part of your dental work and important for keeping teeth in their new positions after you’ve worn braces. There are more retainer types…

Identifying and Treating a Dead Tooth

We explain how a dead tooth is treated and which signs suggest that your tooth may be dying.

Debunking the Myth of Tooth Worms and Other Cavity Causes The idea of tooth worms is an ancient myth. Here’s why so many different ancient people believed they existed and how they treated cavities.

Is it Best to Floss Before or After Brushing Your Teeth?

You might think that as long as you floss and brush your teeth, your oral hygiene is perfect. But the order in which you do these things could make a…

Another Benefit for Red Wine: It Can Help Protect Your Teeth

Researchers say polyphenols in red wine can help prevent certain bacteria from sticking to your teeth.

Why is it Important to Take Care of Your Teeth

Are you in need of teeth whitening to reinvigorate your smile that has been maligned by discoloration? There are several options for professional teeth whitening for you. Cosmetic dental procedures are becoming more and more popular. This can be done at home or in-office. The main advantage of the in-office systems in comparison to the home-use systems is that it contains low dose bleaching agents. In office whitening procedures are professionally managed under carefully monitored conditions. This will allow for controlled, safe and pain-free use of bleaching gel that contains high doses. This will yield results that are visible immediately to you.

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